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Monday, August 3, 2015

Club activity list for Physics and Maths during Aug-2015.


           OPERATION-EINSTEIN-2015 ::::: MATHS  CLUB TOPICS   (AUG-2015)
                                                         LEVEL::  JUNIORS (Class-V to VIII)
DATE TOPIC for Discussion/Activity/Exploration/Demo/ etc
4-Aug-15 TUESDAY WHAT IS AN INTEGER? Why do we learn about Integres? OR Importance of Integers?  EXPLAIN WITH SUITABLE EXAMPLES.
05-08-2015 WEDNESDAY Learn about: How integers are added, sutracted, multiplied. Learn with suitable examples.
11-Aug-15 TUESDAY What is the Remainder when a Negative Integer is divided by a Postitive Integer? Take examples and do them. Use Euclid's remainder lemma.
12-08-2015 WEDNESDAY what is a FRACTION? Why do we learn about Fractions in our life? Kinds of Fractions. Explain in detail.
17-Aug-15 MONDAY What is an L.C.M? how do find L.C.M. of any given two or three Numbers. Explain with examples.
18-Aug-15 TUESDAY Learn how to ADD and SUBTRACT  the  given two or more Fractions. Confusion in this operation should be clarified.
19-Aug-15 WEDNESDAY Learn how to Multiply and Divide the given fractions. Confusion in division should be clarified. 
24-Aug-15 MONDAY What is an ANGLE? How is an angle formed? Why do we learn about angles in our daily life. Justify with daily life  examples.
25-Aug-15 TUESDAY Learn about Various types of Angles. Identify clearly. Tell the properties/ characteristics of those angles.
26-Aug-15 WEDNESDAY What is H.C.F or G.C.D of given numbers? Find HCF/GCD in all known methods. Tell the Importance of Learning it.
6-Aug-15 THURSDAY what is a motion? Explain various motions with suitable examples. Link the example to any experience to daily life. 
7-Aug-15 FRIDAY Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam: His Excellence's Brief Life History and Contribution to space research of Our Beloved Formerly President of India and Great Scientist & Teacher. 
13-Aug-15 THURSDAY Advantages and dis-advantages of usage of PLASTIC material for every necessity in our daily life.
14-Aug-15 FRIDAY What is TEMPARATURE? How it is different from HEAT? Tell the  Units of measurements of Temp and Heat. Give daily life experiences with these two terms.
20-Aug-15 THURSDAY What are Liquids? Explain the Expansion of Liquids due to HEAT? 
21-Aug-15 FRIDAY What is HUMIDITY? What is ATMOSPHERE?  How these two are inter-related.  Explain with examples taking different territorial locations.       ( coastal area and Industrial area and plain areas w.r.t weather.)
27-Aug-15 THURSDAY What do you understand by REFLECTION? What is the use of learning about Reflection. Give suitable life instances related to Reflection of Light.
28-Aug-15 FRIDAY What do understand about Changes around us? Name those changes.(Physical and Chemical). Expalin about them connecting to daily experincing situations.
               03-08-2015                                                                                     Sd/- OSD,


                                                         LEVEL::  SENIORS ( class-IX to Inter)
DATE TOPIC for Discussion/Activity/Exploration/Demo/ etc
4-Aug-15 TUESDAY Know about: Profit and Loss. Quote some examples of trade process. Tell how to find Profit and Loss in various situations. WRite  farmula for Profit and Loss. 
05-08-2015 WEDNESDAY What is Percentage? How do we calculate Percentage in a given situation of Profit/ Loss. Know the farmula.If C.P=S.P, then what do you infer? 
11-Aug-15 TUESDAY What is a Rational Number? Why do we learn about it. What are Irrational numbers? Find the simple difference between them. 
12-08-2015 WEDNESDAY How do you find an Irrational Number between any  two given rational numbers? Consider an example and proceed to explain.
17-Aug-15 MONDAY How A SET is defined? Why do we learn about sets?                           Know about:  Kinds of sets, Union, Intersection,Product (AXB) and Difference (A-B) of sets.( If A and B are two non zero sets.)
18-Aug-15 TUESDAY WHAT is a VENN Diagram? Give details of venn diagram : how to draw, understand, various concepts from it (Like: Union, Intersection, Difference, etc of sets.) Uses of Venn diagram.
19-Aug-15 WEDNESDAY An inspiring story on an Indian Mathematician: Shakuntala Devi. And hes contribution to the field of maths .
24-Aug-15 MONDAY What is a SQUARE ROOT? And a CUBE ROOT? How do you find them. Explain with suitable examples. Also short cut methods.
25-Aug-15 TUESDAY Properties of Square roots. What is a perfect square, list out perfect square in numbers from 01 to 100. 
26-Aug-15 WEDNESDAY Why do we learn about STATISTICS in maths. Link to life situations and explain. Mention Various statistical measures.
6-Aug-15 THURSDAY What are Physical and Chemical Changes ? Differentiate them.
7-Aug-15 FRIDAY Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam: His Excellence's Brief Life History and Contribution to space research of Our Beloved Formerly President of India and Great Scientist & Teacher. 
13-Aug-15 THURSDAY What are exothermic and Endothermic Reactions ? Explain with examples that can be related to daily life situations.
14-Aug-15 FRIDAY What is an Electro-Magnetism? Where do you observe such principle in our daily life situations. Give  Examples
20-Aug-15 THURSDAY Effect of Temparature and Pressure on change of state . Explain with suitable examples.
21-Aug-15 FRIDAY What is Gravitational Force? What is Centre of Gravity? Explain some situation where the centre of Gravity of man lies outside the body.
27-Aug-15 THURSDAY What is DENSITY? Which is denser… Milk or Water? Why? Discuss with some more examples about the use and learning of density.
28-Aug-15 FRIDAY What is Reflection ? What is Refraction? Why do we we learn about these two concepts in our science or life?
               03-08-2015                                                                                     Sd/- OSD, TSWREIS, HYDERABAD.




